12th Judicial Circuit court
Welcome to Your Courts
On behalf of the Court en Banc, welcome to the website of 12th Judicial Circuit Court, comprising of Audrain, Montgomery and Warren counties.
Here you will find information about your local courts, including the Circuit Clerks, Juvenile Office and Municipal Courts. You will also find instructions and forms approved for use if you are representing yourself. While Missouri’s courts are open to provide access to justice for all, please note that court staff cannot provide legal advice.
Contact Information
Use the button link below to find contact information for Circuit Courts, including Municipal Courts and the Juvenile Office, in Audrain, Montgomery and Warren counties.
Please Note: Accessing this site does not create or constitute, in any manner, an agreement or contract between the Court and the visitor. While some of the information on this site is about legal issues, it is not legal advice.
This collection of legal resources is here as a service for those wishing to find out more regarding local and state ordinances, regulations and laws. Many of these resources are also helpful for those wishing to represent themselves in a court proceeding or another legal matter.
None of these resources should be considered legal advice and you may need to seek legal counsel if you are unable to complete or understand any of the information included here. The 12th Judicial Circuit Court does not control the content on any of these web pages and any specific questions regarding the content on these resources should be directed to the specific website resource.
These are electronic forms developed and approved for use in Missouri courts. Court staff are happy to help you if they can. However, courts staff are allowed to help you only in certain ways since they must be fair to everyone. It's best to learn what court staff can and cannot do for you before you ask for help. You may need to seek legal counsel if you are unable to complete or understand the forms.
Attention Required: If you plan to represent yourself in court in a family law matter (divorce, modification of child custody or support, or paternity), you are required to complete the Litigant Awareness Program. The program will help you understand the Missouri court system and the type of case that interests you. You also will learn about the dangers and duties of representing yourself in court. The program may be helpful for other types of cases as well.
A variety of electronic forms developed and approved for use in Missouri courts.
Family law forms include: Order of Protection, Dissolution of Marriage, Motion to Modify Child Support, Custody and Visitation
DISCLAIMER: The 12th Judicial Circuit Court presents this material for informational purposes only.